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Our Curriculum

English: This forms the basis of communication in all its forms- speaking and listening, reading and writing. Children also need to be able to express themselves imaginatively and communicate effectively. They are encouraged to read, talk, listen, write, discuss, explain, ask questions, create stories and poems, sing, act and make believe, throughout all their learning. The importance of writing thoughtfully and imaginatively to good effect, with good spellings and handwriting, as well as through word processing on computers, cannot be underestimated.

Mathematics: We encourage the learning of mathematical concepts using a range of different methods. Children are expected to develop their skills in mental, oral and practical maths activities and the emphasis is on learning to problem solve and think in abstract ways, applying their understanding to real life situations.

Science: This is developed initially through play and exploration, building on children’s own experiences and using the immediate environment wherever possible.

Art & Craft: Through activities in Art and Craft the children will be able to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding by working with a range of media. The children will have opportunities every year to draw, paint and engage in collage with master artists.

Personal Social and Health Education: It also a very important element of the curriculum. Children need to know about how to enjoy a healthy life. We place considerable importance on children learning about hygiene and about caring for. Physical development and social relationships. They learn about hygiene and about caring for themselves. Physical Education develops children’s competence and confidence, and promotes positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles. Physical education provides opportunity for children to be creative, competitive and to face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams.

Computer Education: Children at Integrity International School have access to excellent ICT education. We have computers for the children to learn and an internet connection to provide required information as and when required, under the supervision of teachers.

Moral Education: We largely emphasize on inculcating Moral values as a key to education. Its aim is to develop in children responsible attitudes towards others and to be aware of what is right and wrong.

Carmel Convent is one of the most prestigious schools in Delhi. It is a girl’s school with approximately 2000 students on its rolls.